Monday, December 7, 2009

Art Institute of Houston -- guest speaker

There was this guest peker that came and spoke to our clas about the art institute. I learned that there are tons of schools all aroubd the world and knowing that, you realize that you dont have to stay in your own home town. Then I saw that they also taught culinary and baking which I would probably take if
I went there. Then I noticed that there was photography. I would really enjoy taking pictures and learning how to do neat things to them.
Finally I noticed that they were able to make signs, whis is graphic disign. I just would love to learn how to do that.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How The Mutant Was Born

This is a fennec fox pup.
She will be used hopefully
for the ears.

This is the lion.
He will be used
for his mane.

This is the wolf.
He will be used for
his body.

This is the mutants home.
Which means its going to be
the background.

And me... As the
human face:)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A lion and a fennec fox found each other and fell in love. For years and years they loved each other and knew that there was no way they could have a cub (because… well you know they are opposite in size). There was this wolf that was very vicious looking and scared all of the little creatures away. The forest creatures knew there was a secret about him; he had a magical gift to grant a wish to creatures with trouble in their hearts. Rumors had it that the wolf would end up killing the creatures he helped, but the wolf knew that he would never hurt someone in help.
When the little fox heard of this magical wolf she went to tell the lion. So they both set off to find this wolf. Secretly the little fox was scared to death about the rumor but knowing that her love was a lion she felt a little safer. As they were walking the lion had asked the fox what she was going to wish for them, and she replied, “A cub of our own.” The lion felt bad because he knew that that could never happen because of the size of his love and himself. Never the less he never said anything to make her feel bad.
Finally they arrived to the wolf’s cave. As they were entering they heard terrible moans and howls. The little fox trembled with fear and the lion was in a ready attack stance. They got to the magical wolf and saw how terribly horrific the wolf looked.
The wolf kept quiet for moment then asked, “Why do I sense sorrow in both of you?”
“We hear you can help us,” said the lion, since his little fox was in shock.
“Yes it’s true, but what is it that your heart seeks?”
The wolf didn’t need the lion to answer, he already knew, so he said, “it will hurt you. The wish that your heart wants. If it’s what you truly want, there will be something that you will have to give to me.” The lion was willing to give him anything the wolf wanted. The wolf heard the lion’s heart and knew. The wolf then told the lion and the fennec fox his story.
“I must show you something that no other animal has seen. (He then crouched as if he were going to attack. The layer of the wolfs head smoothed backwards revealing a mas face. The face of the man was smooth and looked as if it were caramel silk, his eyes were copper brown and his cheek bones were well defined, it was beautiful. His legs turned into pants with fur and his tail vanished and he went bare foot. His coat of fur slid back like a coat revealing his chest.)
The lion and the fox were shocked at what they saw, and were not sure if they should run, because they knew man killed animals such as themselves. Yet they did not. Because of their bravery the wolf man granted their wish.
A couple of weeks later the little fennec fox found out that she was pregnant. She was so joyful that she ran to tell her love. When he found out he was filled with happiness knowing the little fox that he loved so much was blissful. The day came to have the pup. She was so big that the lion knew that she wasn’t going to make it. He stayed by her side till their pup came. The lion made a vow that no matter how the pup looked and how it was that he would raise it with the most love. The time came and was over so soon. The little fennec fox passed away. And through that process the pup was a combination of the wolf man and the lion and the lions love, the brave little fennec fox.

Friday, November 20, 2009


We are working on a very creative project in webmastering. Its called the MUTANT project. Its where we have to take a picture of ourself, while tyaking three oictures of animals and editing them in PHOTOSHOP to look like one mythical creature of our own. After we are done creating our creature we have to give the creature a story(basically an biography).

Emerging Technologies

In a relatively short period of time, our world has changed dramatically because of the creation in 1969 of a small computer network known as ARPANET.

Web sites have evolved over time. First generation sites were static—no interactivity. They included basic structures. Second generation sites included intuitive, user-friendly navigation systems, focused on the content, and animation—blinking text, moving banners, animated images, etc. Since businesses were now online, there was much more interaction than with first generation sites. Third generation sites addressed their audiences based on their objectives, which drove the design and structure. Splash pages were popular, as was the use of cascading style sheets, portals, and forms. These sites focused on content and were easily navigated. Fourth generation sites are participatory and highly interactive. They provide richer experiences for their users. Site designers take full advantage of the new tools of Web 2.0. They frequently include wikis, blogs, podcasts, webcasts, and Web services. Standards are being developed for mobile users of the Web to make their online experience productive and efficient.

E-commerce has exploded because of the popularity of the World Wide Web and the new technologies that have been developed. An example of a new technology the we are using in our classroom is using a BLOG to form journal entries.