Thursday, February 18, 2010


  • Why would anyone be interested in viewing the Web site that your team is developing?
    I think that the outcome of our web page will be really creative and that will draw the people in.
  • Who are the possible customers for the site?
    The possible customers will be the students. They are the whole reason that we are creating this web page for, to get them interested.
  • How many pages are going to be necessary to complete the Web site your client wants?
    As many thats needed to satisfy the reader.
  • Based on the number of pages, what sort of navigational structure would work well for the site?
  • How can this design be shown using a site map and storyboard?

Mission that you are working on: Mission1

Header for the Homepage of your NASA website: Undecided

Header for each additional page of the website: Home, Training Track 1, Training Track 2, Training Track 3, Training Track 4

Title for each page: Student ISS Mission Control Training, Basic ISS and NASA Training, Mission Control Center “THOR” Flight Controller Training, Mission Evaluation Room “ASTRO” Subsystem Specialist, Payload Operations Integration “PRO” Subsystem Specialist

filename (include file ending: ?

Title for each page:

filename (include file ending): ?
(continue for all pages)

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